Remembering the Hero of Battle of Mantalai - General Zorawar Singh on his Punya Tithi
Year, 1834 A landmark year in the Indian Military History when an unsung warrior decided to extend the boundaries of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s empire to Ladakh which till the 15th century was part of Tibet and was ruled by dynasties of local Lamas. General Zorawar Singh and the Battle of Mantalai May, 1834 Even though Lake Mansarowar holds very important place in the culture of Bharat, from the plains of India none of the organised forces had reached that far until Gen.Zorawar Singh took the conquest. After leaving Rudok, when Zorawar Singh marched into the district of Mansarowar, the people gave in without resistance and the victory was achieved without blood shed. Hoping for similiar kind of victory on their way to Kailash and the holy lake. They reached a place called Tokoporal and the lake was just a day of March ahead. The troop had decided not to cause any bloodshed while on the pilgrimage to the holy lake. They halted the night there. Zorawar Singh's army unit FAT...